I just wanted to share with you all a quick project that we threw together for Halloween this year! So fun! So we are a biking crazy family, and being that biking crazy family, we end up with a lot of spare bike parts lying around (I mean literally lying around like all over my garage!) . Especially since my son is always taking everything apart. 🙁 Anyway, I was really wanting a new Halloween Wreath this year, but since it is the middle of bike race season, there aren’t any spare funds to spend on Halloween decor. So this is what I came up with! I actually kind of love it. 🙂 I love the idea of decorating with things that show your family’s personality and the things that you are into. One of these days I’ll have to show you all my antique Schwin bike sitting up on top of my kitchen cabinets. I know it’s a little out there and has gotten mixed reviews from friends, but oh well. I like it so it stays. 🙂
To explain this wreath a bit since I didn’t take step by step photos (I thought the end product was pretty self explanatory), I just used a spare bike wheel and some black electrical tape to make the web. But you could use yarn or rope or what ever floats your boat. This is what we had, so this is what I used. The spider is just a couple of old bike tubes cut to different lengths and then rolled up like fruit roll ups. Then more electrical tape to hold it together. We also had plenty of old cable housing that my husband cut up for the legs and stuck them in the ends of the tube as you see in the pictures. You could just as easily use black pipe cleaners or something like that. We also had the thought to use some extra pillow stuffing to stuff inside the spokes which I think would be cute, but I was out so I just left as is. I just taped the spider on to the web and there you have it! Complete spider credit goes to the husband. 🙂
Simple and recycled…. Happy Halloween!
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